"Povidla" of Bargau - a remarkably well-preserving plum jam with no additives


The 'povidla' of Bargau is the plum jam produced on the Bargau Valley of Bistrita-Nasaud County in northern Romania; its shelf life is remarkable - at least two years, with no sugar or preservatives added.


It's made exclusively of the Bistrita variety of plums ? one of the most valued cultivars owing to its hard, sweet and scented pulp. Ripe plums are thoroughly washed; the pits are removed; the fruits are then boiled in brass pots, without prior crushing and without adding any sweeteners.

When it reaches the right consistency, the jam is poured either in clay pots or in jars. Housewives keep it unaltered in their pantries for a very long time. It is solid and it can be served for breakfast or used in cakes.

Povidla of Bargau has been certified as a traditional product in August 2013. It is prepared by the AFI ProFamilia Association of Bistrita in a social enterprise established on European funds in the commune of Bistrita Bargaului.

Since then, it has been promoted to traditional products fairs, and it began selling.

AFI ProFamilia chair Doina Monda says that the amounts produced sof ar are limited, because funds for purchasing the fruits are scarce. She hopes, however, this will change as a new project is implemented, securing jobs for more women of the Bargau Valley.AGERPRES

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