Save Sofia NGO Alarms Brussels on Poor Renovation Works Funded by EU


The non-governmental organization Save Sofia has sent a signal to Brussels on account of low quality renovation works in Bulgaria's capital. The project was executed in the Sofia municipality with EU funds.

The reconstruction procedure along Bulgaria Blvd's railway cost approximately BGN 7 M no VAT included.

The NGO activists have also attached photographs to their report that depict the low quality of the reconstruction - broken tiles, bus stop constructions, broken rails and dangerous drainage system covers along the pavement.

The signal has also been sent to OLAF - the European Anti-Fraud Office.

The construction company that executed the project is SK-13 Transstroi and the process has been supervised by the municipal company Sofinvest.

Additionally, Save Sofia has stated on its website that the further alarming fact is that the same company is responsible for the reconstruction works, currently taking place around the National Palace of Culture (NDK). 

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