Vucic and Braser discuss reforms in Serbia

BELGRADE - Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic met Tuesday with President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Anne Brasseur, who congratulated him on the courage in undertaking difficult reforms for a better future for Serbian citizens.

Vucic said that Serbia had embarked on the difficult path of reforms to ensure economic recovery and progress on the road to Europe for Serbia, according to a release from the government's media relations office.

He stressed that it was necessary to ensure and maintain political and economic stability in the country and the region. "Serbia has shown a willingness to lend its contribution to those efforts," said the prime minister.

Brasseur pointed out that Serbia's role in establishing regional stability is of great importance and commended the initiative of Prime Minister Vucic to strengthen relations among countries in the region.

She said that the Council of Europe welcomed the progress made in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on normalization of relations and invited the Serbian prime minister to visit the PACE and speak to its members, the release said.

Photo Tanjug/ R.Prelic

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