Dacic,Burkhalter:All weapons to be withdrawn from front line

BELGRADE - Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs and OSCE Chairperson-in-office Ivica Dacic ad Swiss Minister of Foreign Affairs Didier Burkhalter have called on the conflicting parties in Ukraine to withdraw all weapons from the front line, Swiss Telegraphic Agency (ATS) reported.

The ministers of foreign affairs, who met on the sidelines of the conference on cyber space security in The Hague on Thursday, underlined that the call for withdrawal does not refer solely to heavy weapons, but also to light weapons.

They urged all conflicting parties to refrain from the use of weapons, ATS said citing the statement by Swiss foreign ministry spokesman Jean-Marc Crevoisier.

Dacic and Burkhalter called on the conflicting parties to enable the access to OSCE observers wherever this is necessary or possible.

The officials also said that the working groups, whose formation is envisaged by the peace agreement signed in Minsk in February, have to start operating under the OSCE leadership promptly so as to ensure that there are no halts in the peacekeeping process.

Photo Tanjug/N. Milosevic (archive)

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