Didier Burkhalter

Swiss foreign minister warns Turkey against illegal spying

Switzerland's foreign minister told his Turkish counterpart on March 23 that his country would "rigorously investigate" any illegal spying by Ankara on expatriate Turks before the April 16 referendum that will decide whether the current parliamentary system should be replaced by an executive presidency.

Turkey a good and a bad example of democratic culture

Azerbaijan allocates a significant portion of its budget to boosting its image in the international arena. It?s much wiser to do so rather than dedicating its budget to military spending. No matter how much Baku spends on its army, it cannot match that of Russia, which it would face in the event of an armed conflict with Armenia to get back its territories under Armenian occupation. 

OSCE Troika: Political dialogue in Ukraine to be opened asap

BELGRADE - The OSCE Troika comprising the foreign ministers of Serbia, Germany and Switzerland advocated on Tuesday the promotion of the political process in Ukraine, and called for the promptest possible implementation of the Minsk agreement and establishment of a political dialogue in this country.
