Entry to seven archeology sites with one e-ticket

Deputy Culture Minister Nikos Xydakis announced the introduction of e-tickets for access to archeological sites. The e-ticket envisions entry to seven archeological sites around the Acropolis (Ancient Agora, Roman Agora, Temple of Olympizan Zeus, Keramikos, Theater of Dionysus, Hadrian's Library).

The new ticket will be launched in mid-June, ahead of the summer tourist season.

By March 2016, 13 additional sites will be added to the e-ticket. These will be from around the country, including Delphi, Epidaurus, Knossos, Lindos, Mycenae and Olympia,

This year, entrance fees to museums will increase. Xydakis pointed to the fact that they were the cheapest in Europe, thus depreciating the value of the offered good. He added that free days across the year allow for locals who don't have the funds to pay admission to plan a visit to the site.

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