Turkey Opens Macedonian-Language News Service

Anadolu's openeing ceremony in Skopje. Photo: MIA.

Anadolu's bilingual Macedonian and Albanian desk opened in Skopje on Monday as the news agency expanded its operations further into the Balkan region.

The opening ceremony was attended by Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov and Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Yalcin Akdogan. The agency's chairman, Senol Kazanci, was also present.  

The opening represented "yet another newly-established bridge of friendship", said Akdogan.

"We will not only serve as the voice of Turkey in Macedonia, but also as the voice of Macedonia around the world," he added.

The Turkish state-run press agency currently produces content in ten different languages - Turkish, English, Arabic, Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian, Russian, Kurdish, French, Albanian and Persian.

The agency was founded in 1920 by former leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk during the Turkish war of independence.

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