European lockdown

Europe has been struggling for some time to cope with its disgruntled Muslim minorities, increasing refugee flows, and homegrown terrorists who radicalize through global jihadist cells and gain experience on the ground around the world before returning to create trouble. Europe-wide tension has recently increased following the terrorist attacks in Paris on Nov. 13 that killed 129 people and wounded hundreds more.

Several EU member states had already closed down their borders to migrants mainly from Syria and several others, including Germany, had suspended application of the Schengen system. The attacks in Paris have created yet another rush for increased security measures and even a virtual lockdown of Brussels, the capital of the EU. The reason behind this radical move was the hunt for one of the key suspects of the Paris attacks, 26-year-old Salah Abdeslam, who remains elusive despite several raids across Brussels.

Further intelligence about similar attacks to Paris raised the terror alert in Belgium to the highest level and prompted the authorities to shut down the subway system, cancel all events, and warn citizens to avoid public places due to an "imminent and serious" threat of attack, as Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel put it. No one knows when life will return to normal in Brussels.

Likewise, France's National Assembly has extended the country's state of emergency for three months, allowing warrantless police raids and detention of suspects to ensure public safety. French police have also extended a ban on demonstrations and other gatherings through Nov. 30.

Also last week, EU member states agreed on strict measures including passport checks and cracking down on weapons trafficking in order to protect and monitor the...

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