Netanyahu to Tsipras: Greek economy will return to growth

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the common interests that Israel and Greece have during the joint press conference held with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who is currently visiting Jerusalem.

“We are facing many challenges and very violent forces, but we have common interests to see which are the opportunities, trying to avoid the risks.”

“We must see how we can work together to maintain global security and strike down terrorism,” he said.

Israeli Prime Minister referred to Greek economy saying that it will return to growth and he recognized the great efforts made by the Greek people.

On his side, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras thanked Mr. Netanyahu for the welcoming and the kind words he said about the recovery of the Greek economy.

“During the years the relations between the two countries have been strengthened”, Mr. Tsipras said adding, though, that there “are areas where we could focus on”.

According to Mr. Tsipras, Greece and Israel have enormous energy cooperation opportunities and could cooperate in research, extraction and transfer of gas in Europe.

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