Alekos Flambouraris

SYRIZA Political Secretariat: New Criticism of “Black Funds” by the Tsipras Wing

The meeting of the Political Secretariat of SYRIZA PS ended today without any resolution. Despite lasting over four hours, it failed to bridge the gap between the stance of SYRIZA PS President Stefanos Kasselakis and leading party officials, with direct reference to former Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

The rise and the resignation

When Alexis Tsipras took over SYRIZA in 2008 - thanks mainly to Alekos Alavanos - the Synaspismos party had shed the permanent angst of the progressive left about whether it would make the 3% cut to enter Parliament, even though the rate of 5% in the 2007 elections was not very promising, not to mention the drop to 4.6% in 2009. 

Decisions on protection of borrowers' main residences expected next week, sources say

The Greek government and the country's bankers are expected to reach an agreement on the protection of debtors' primary residences next week, according to government sources cited by state-run news agency ANA-MPA on Monday afternoon, after a meeting at the prime minister's office.
