Alekos Flambouraris

Tsipras’ summer: The yacht, the mansion and new vay-cay choices

Former prime minister Alexis Tsipras did not head to Aigina this summer to spend time with the usual leftist clan, such as deputy Alekos Flambouraris. Instead, he chose new destinations and new faces. His first trip to Ereikousa to visit an old friend he had met at the National Polytechnic was a publicized affair, drawing a great deal of media attention for the little-known Ionian island.

Flambouraris says Varoufakis not welcomed on SYRIZA election ballot

Greek State Minister, and Alexis Tsipras’s close associate, Alekos Flambouraris promised SYRIZA would not call new elections, even if the party was forced to form a coalition government. Speaking to Greek TV, Flambouraris deemed the collaboration with the right Independent Greeks (ANEL) party in the coalition government a success. ‘We would like to have the absolute majority in parliament.

Govt kudos to Tasia amid ‘tsunami’ of migrants overwhelming Greek isles

The radical leftist SYRIZA government went out of its way on Tuesday to offer political protection to its controversial alternate migration minister on Tuesday, amid a continuing “tsunami” of undocumented migrants landing on various Greek isles from practically “all points east”.

Greek PM wants abolition of MP privileges

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras wants to abolish tax breaks for MPs and reduce wages for ministers and public organization heads. Tsipras underlined the need for the legislation during a meeting with Alternate Finance Minister Dimitris Mardas, Alternate Administrative Reform Minister Christoforos Vernardakis and top government official Spyros Sayias.

Eurogroup: How much is PM A. Tsipras willing to give?

The EZ ministers are now taking a dinner break after three hours of talks. Reuters reports that Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos was told that he must offer deeper reforms if there is to be a third bailout. He reportedly called Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to discuss these additional measures.

Tsipras-Juncker telephone call to find eleventh-hour soln

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras had telephone contact with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in an effort to find a mutually viable compromise solution to the Greek problem by Tuesday night. Sources state that Tsipras has made a proposal that would be of mutual benefit to both sides and that would solve the country’s credit problems.

Tsipras speaks to Merkel, Hollande, Juncker on eve of summit

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras spoke by telephone with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on Sunday, just hours before a crucial eurozone leaders' summit in Brussels, the Greek premier's office said.

SYRIZA govt in flurry of backroom negotiations ahead of Mon.

A crucial 48 hours of deliberations ahead of an extraordinary Euro summit on Monday begins with the return of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras from St. Petersburg. A three-hour briefing of Tsipras began at 2 p.m. on Saturday soon after his arrival to Greece. He met with Deputy Prime Minister Giannis Dragasakis followed by Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis and Economy Minister George Stathakis.
