Meimarakis-Mitsotakis leadership battle kicks off without 100% of ND votes from Dec. 20 counted

The conservative main opposition New Democracy (ND) party has yet to count 100% of the votes more than 48 hours after the last ballot was cast. The 400,000 voters who showed up to show their enthusiasm and belief in the party are left wondering as to why they still don’t know the final results of the liberal faction’s leadership elections on December 20.

Meanwhile, the two leading candidates with 85% of the votes counting are already planning their next steps:

Evangelos Meimarakis


Evangelos Meimarakis, a clear winner, is planning an announcement regarding his vision for the conservative party ahead of the January 10 elections. He is expected to make reference to former PM Kostas Karamanlis who gave his backing to Meimarakis’ candidacy by calling on party members to honor the legacy of his uncle, late statesman Costantine Karamanlis who founded the party.

Meimarakis is expected to refrain from making reference to a TV debate between the two ND candidates, something that Mitsotakis views positively.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis


Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who lagged more than 11 units behind Meimarakis, pointed to the results being a positive surprise for him. “Don’t forget that I ran without alliances. I managed to motivate people to show an interest in the essence of the policies, I opened my heart and I spoke the language of truth,” he said, speaking to SKAI TV.

Mitsotakis said that 60% of ND members voted for a creative rejuvination of the party and want the liberal faction to turn a new leaf. Critics, however, accuse him of neoliberal policies and label him a “Thatcherite”.


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