16 year old Danish muslim-convert girl planned to blow up Jewish school

A 16-year old Danish girl was planning to carry out terrorist attacks against two schools, one of which was Jewish, Danish police reported. The girl, whose name has not been released by the authorities recently converted to Islam and planned to plant bombs with her 24 year old accomplice. The girl, who is from the village of Kundby on the Danish island of Zealand was arrested on January 13 after police had discovered she had been storing chemicals for explosives. According to Danish TV2, the girl had converted to Islam and was a supporter of Jihad in her online activities, with posts on her social media accounts indicating she was a member of the Danish branch of Hizb ut-Tahrir, a pan-Islamic group openly pushing for the establishment of a caliphate ruled by Sharia Law. Her male accomplice was a 24 year old Muslim who had fought in Syria and was also charged with attempted terrorism.

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