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Education Minister İsmet Yılmaz said it was normal that questions not relevant to evaluating the level of knowledge or competence of teachers are posted to them in their job interviews. 

Let us remember the questions first, if you'd like. "Who is 'the chief?' What is your opinion about him? Which papers and which columnists do you read? Who comes to mind when 'the chief' is mentioned? Which preparatory course did you attend?" 

The reason for these interviews seems to be to eliminate Gülenists, but the real aim is nothing more than partisanship. At the same time, they should, of course, be assuming that the Gülenists are "idiots." 

For this group, as a matter of fact, it should be easier than anybody else to deceive the interview panel. What we have experienced until today and what we have seen up until now make us think so. 

If you seem like you like the chief, tell them you read pro-government newspapers and insert some religious discourse now and then if you find the opportunity, then you get the job. 

The education minister said these questions were not in the "question pool."

He added, "Such questions are not included in our pool of questions. Well, let's assume somebody asked your opinion of the chief? Where is the harm in this? … These were brought up to create the image that justice is not being served."  

How these absurd questions do not harm the interview is best known only to the education minister.  
I would like to remind him that unless they change this mindset of theirs, they will hand over the state, as they did yesterday to the Gülenists, to who knows whom tomorrow. 

Tens of thousands of people are being fired from government institutions; this figure is growing every day. If...

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