Prime Minister Yıldırım should be more careful

Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım recently explained why we should vote "yes" in Turkey's upcoming constitutional referendum. According to Yıldırım, citizens should say "yes" because terror organizations like the Fethullah Terror Organization (FETÖ) and the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) are saying "no." 
He also included the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), which received around 5 million votes in the last election, in this group. 

I suggest to the prime minister that he should avoid taking such a divisive attitude while conducting the "yes" campaign. 

There are two options in the referendum, yes or no. In a two-option election, different people may prefer the same option for different reasons. I could say "no" for one set of reasons, while another person might say "no" for an entirely different set of reasons.

The same also goes for those planning to vote "yes." Prime Minister Yıldırım and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) head Devlet Bahçeli will both vote "yes," but if you listen to their speeches they give totally different reasons. 

Yıldırım says he will vote "yes" because he thinks "Turkey will fly if this happens." Bahçeli says he will vote "yes" to "prevent inconsistencies emerging from the current president's violation of the constitution." 
In all current surveys there is a high rate of undecided voters, but that will change during the campaign. 
All the facilities of the state will be added to the massive propaganda power of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), and it is highly possible that the currently undecided masses will be swayed by this. 

But even if that is the case, the remaining segment will still be at least 45 to 50 percent. 

Can the prime minister not see how...

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