KRG leader Barzani meets HDP politicians

Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) President Massoud Barzani met with Ahmet Türk, the ousted co-mayor of Mardin for the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), and Ağrı Co-Mayor Sırrı Sakık, on Feb. 27 to discuss the shattered peace process in Turkey.

"Barzani is an important actor in the Middle East. Selahattin Demirtaş, Figen Yüksekdağ - the HDP's co-chairs - parliamentarians and mayors are jailed at a time that we want to develop dialogue. We said that this stands in front of peace. It will be in favor of the people of Turkey if peace and an environment of dialogue is re-established," Türk told reporters after his meeting with the Iraqi Kurdish leader.

Asked about claims that Barzani's visit could aid the government before the April 16 referendum, Türk said he did not think so. "It will not work much if the government has such an attitude. Everyone has to respect a decision given in free will for the referendum," he added.

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