The Israeli example
Our Greek microcosm goes to bed and wakes up with the pending bailout review, looking at the comings and goings, the toing and froing of government officials as they pretend to unload their ammunition against the auditors. The government has been lying to us for the past year, announcing progress every week and proclaiming the review's end every month. In the meantime, the economy keeps sinking in the mire of uncertainty, businesses are shutting down, the unemployed are multiplying and 64-year-olds are sent to work at public hospitals as paramedics just to get enough social security stamps to qualify for a pension.
And while Greece struggles with the inaction of our no-goodnik politicians and the ideological fixations of the left, Intel acquired, for $15 billion, an Israeli company that makes driverless cars, called Mobileye. What's $15 billion? Just over double what the...
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