Row sparks over vote count amid main opposition CHP's claims


The main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) has said it will object to the referendum results on grounds that the vote for the constitutional amendment were manipulated in terms of content and method, a party senior has said, while the state-run Anadolu Agency concluded the results as a tight win for the "yes" vote. 

"Since the morning there has been a serious chaos all over Turkey. The Supreme Board of Elections [YSK] has declared that the board will deem voting papers without official seals as valid. They cancelled voting papers without seals in the ballots abroad. It was the same board that did this," CHP deputy leader Erdal Aksünger said March 16, stating that the opposition party will make necessary appeals to object. 

"We will object," he added.

Aksünger said his party received information over claims there was misuse of documents with wet signatures, criticizing the YSK's decision that deemed voting papers without YSK seals on them as valid.

"Besides, there were two different types of stamps; one said 'choice' others said 'yes' on it. It is a reason in itself to cancel," he said, adding that the election laws were violated in many cities across Turkey.

"In eastern and southeastern cities, the election observers from the 'no' groups were removed from their ballots. There were many violations in terms of the form of the elections. There were people who voted outside booths, violating the secret ballot rule. There were people who went to the ballot boxes with their village governors; these are all violations," he added.

"Overall, there is a very serious manipulation here. Now, I am looking at the official results of the YSK, which states that 90 percent of the ballot boxes were opened. But state-run...

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