Healthy children, healthy planet

"Today we went to the market - it was great! The children bombarded the grocers with questions: 'Does the fruit have pesticides?' 'Where do bananas come from?' 'Do you have any other tomatoes? These are from a greenhouse.' They even measured the fish to make sure that they were not too young," says Niki, a kindergarten teacher, describing the experience of her class, which took part in World Wildlife Fund Hellas' educational program "Healthy Kids, Healthy Planet" earlier this year. The scheme is a collaboration with the Harokopio University of Athens and targets educators so that children can learn about healthy and sustainable eating habits.

"My book, 'Don't Eat Whatever You're Served,' was released with the same purpose in mind and is also supplemented by theatrical performances," explains writer Eleni Svoronou, who is in charge of educational programs at WWF Hellas.

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