Indictment reveals Gülenist network in Turkish Army Aviation

During an unscheduled inspection on July 15, 2016 at the Army Aviation School Command, conducted after a tip-off from a "Major O.K." to the National Intelligence Organization (MİT), Army Chief Gen. Salih Zeki Çolak asked School Commander Gen. Hakan Atınç whether an individual named Deniz Aldemir was in his contingent. 

Atınç replied that Aldemir was the battalion commander of cargo helicopters, who arrived from İzmir with a cargo helicopter one day before. Çolak then asked about another name: Major O.K. Atınç replied that he was trained in the U.S. on cargo helicopters and was serving as a member of staff.

Çolak then asked the critical question: "Do these names have any connection with the movement of Fethullah Gülen? Atınç replied that there was no concrete proof of this, but "based on their attitudes and behavior, as well as their stance among colleagues, they could well have connections with the movement.

 However, it is said in the command that O.K. has severed his relations with them. 

When Çolak asked whether there were similar people in the corps, Atınç answered as follows: "I have no concrete evidence but it is said that all critical positions in the Air Forces are occupied by Gülenists. What's more, Brigadier Gen. Ünsal Coşkun is said to be one of them." 

Çolak blasted Atınç for not reporting this to him, Atınç said the following: "I have no information or documents. This is an environment where people constantly make rumors about each other … Because I could not confirm it I did not tell you, but I have shared this information with the Army Staff Commander."
This dialogue is included on page 335 of the Air Forces indictment on last July's failed coup attempt. 

It took place on July 15, 2016 after a...

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