Messages of justice from journalists in jail

Our colleague Utku Çakırözer, one of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) parliamentarians who used to be a journalist, has visited some journalists currently jailed in Silivri prison during Eid el-Fitr. He visited Murat Sabuncu, Kadri Gürsel, Anmet Şık, Musa Kart, Hakan Kara, Güray Öz, Turhan Günay, Akın Atalay, Bülent Utku, Mustafa Kemal Güngör, Önder Çelik and Emre İper from daily Cumhuriyet, Gökmen Ulu from daily Sözcü as well as columnists Şahin Alpay, Ahmet Turan Alkan and Atilla Taş.

Çakırözer said all the journalists he met supported and were moved by the "justice march" started by CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. Journalists from daily Cumhuriyet are currently busy focusing on the defense they will give in their first hearing on July 24. "We will reject all baseless accusations before the judge," they all said resolutely, adding that "everyone will clearly see that we have been illegally and unfairly incarcerated for months."

Some of the messages they have sent us are below:

Bülent Utku: "I am calling on Nuriye [Gülmen] and Semih [Özakça], who are on a hunger strike: Please review your decision and end your hunger strike. Sözcü and Cumhuriyet are two media organs that have spent their lives fighting the Fethullahist Teror Organization [FETÖ]. We stood by our nation during the coup attempt. I am one of the first people who ensured President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's message that night would be heard in the world." 

Şahin Alpay: "I had 11 chronic diseases. Lately, I had two small surgeries on my left foot. I am deprived of my liberty because of a couple of articles I wrote. We have waited for months for the indictment. Now that the indictment is out, we have been waiting for months to appear before the judge."

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