Turhan Günay

Istanbul court releases seven Cumhuriyet journalists, executives, five to remain under arrest

An Istanbul court on July 28 ordered the release of seven daily Cumhuriyet journalists, executives but ruled for the continuation of arrest for another five who are being accused on charges of "supporting terror." 

The released journalists and executives were cartoonist Musa Kart, Bülent Utku, Turan Günay, Önder Çelik, Kemal Güngör, Hakan Karasinir and Güray Öz.

Turkish Newspaper Journalists Face Terrorism Trial

A Turkish opposition newspaper itself is the story as 17 of its employees are about to go on trial on charges of aiding a terrorist organisation, BBC reported.

If found guilty, their sentence could be up to 43 years in jail.

A dozen of Cumhuriyet's journalists and managers are behind bars in pre-trial detention. Ten of them have been imprisoned for almost nine months.

Jailed journalist Kadri Gürsel nominated UNESCO's World Press Freedom Prize

The Paris-based Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has nominated prominent Turkish journalist Kadri Gürsel, who has been in jail for 116 days, for the UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize.

His wife, Nazire Kalkan Gürsel, announced the nomination via her official Twitter account.

Operation against Cumhuriyet indicates 'witch-hunt,' says CHP report

Launching legal proceedings against daily Cumhuriyet on accusations of support for terrorism is an explicit indication of a witch hunt against dissidents, the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) has stated, in a report prepared after a party visit to the newspaper's imprisoned journalists. 
