Injustice in Turkey will be removed one day, vows jailed CHP deputy Berberoğlu

Injustice in Turkey will "certainly be removed one day," main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) deputy Enis Berberoğlu, who is currently in jail on espionage charges, has said in a message conveyed by a party MP on July 4.

Berberoğlu was jailed on June 14 after an Istanbul court sentenced him to 25 years for "leaking state secrets" regarding a National Intelligence Organization (MİT) trucks case. A "justice march" from Ankara to Istanbul was initiated by CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu immediately after the jailing, and it has entered its 21st day with less than 100 kilometers left to its final destination.

Speaking to reporters after a visit to Maltepe Prison, where Berberoğlu is being held, CHP Istanbul deputy Barış Yarkadaş conveyed Berberoğlu's confidence that "justice will surely prevail in the end."

"Those who believe in democracy and justice are now writing history. I pay my respects and love to anyone who is walking the 450-kilometer way for democracy and justice. Justice will come to Turkey one day and this will be done by the virtue of those who are covering the 450 kilometers step by step. Injustice is one of the most fundamental problems of Turkey and this injustice will surely be removed one day," Berberoğlu said in his message.

Yarkadaş added that Berberoğlu was in good spirits and was closely following developments outside.

A "justice watch" launched by the party's Istanbul provincial branch after the arrest of Berberoğlu is also continuing outside the prison.

CHP Mersin deputy Hüseyin Çamak said Berberoğlu was imprisoned purely for political reasons.

"I believe that Enis Berberoğlu will gain his freedom in a process where one day judges can make decisions not according to the...

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