High Yields of Wheat in Dobrich Area


The harvest in Dobrich is almost over. More than 30 per cent of the wheat area of ​​1 million and 213 decares has been harvested. The average yield is 569 kg / ha and the quality of the grain is very good, the BGNES correspondent for the region reported.

The highest yields of wheat mark the farmers in the municipality of Gen. Toshevo - 630 kg / ha. Their expectations are this year's harvest to reach 720 kg. However, the purchase price is low, shares grain producers. Barley harvest in the region is ahead with an average yield of 470 kg / ha. A third of the sown areas of rapeseed are harvested. For this crop the average quantities are 278 kg / ha. The state of the spring cultures is good. According to more experienced farmers, there is already a lack of moisture.

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