Specifications for a normal country

Can we become a normal country? On paper, it appears the practical answer to this would be yes, of course we can. Greece does not have very pressing financial obligations between now and 2019. Grexit has been consigned to the closet of history. Europeans do not want any more Greek problems and are in a rush to promote us, despite the small issue that we are not entirely up to speed yet with our obligations.

Global capital is looking for fertile ground to take root in and it is turning its eyes toward Greece, which at the moment is quite cheap. The markets are starting to see that, politically, it would be difficult for the country to be derailed as it was in 2015.

But they do not believe Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is a politician that can shock the economy into growth. Sure, when he speaks to them, and he does so frequently, he shows that he has learned their...

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