The Doctors' Union has Warned of Bankruptcies in Hospitals


Hospitals will bankrupt warn the Bulgarian Medical Association (BMA), Nova TV reported. The reason for the financial collapse would be the draft budget of the health fund for next year.

"The money is not enough for research, consultations, preventive examinations. The fund pays a minimum price that has not changed for 15 years, "said Dr. Nikolay Kolev, general practitioner. Compared to this year, the next one GPs will receive BGN 7 million more.

"The increase is ridiculous and not enough. The budget is incompetently made, "said Dr. Lubomir Kirov, chairman of the Association of General Practitioners.

In order not to deepen the crisis, the association of general practitioners wants an increase of BGN 25 mln.

The state's response is that funds in the sector are generally limited. "Surely some will not get the money. Yes, BGN 3.8 billion sound like a lot of money, but healthcare is very expensive, "said Deputy Minister Dr. Miroslav Nenkov.

And the limitation will inevitably lead to bankruptcies, warns of BMA. Because of the jump in the minimum wage from Jan. 1, wages will swell. "Hospitals will not be able to meet the needs of their creditors - suppliers of medicines and medical devices, water supply and sewerage, power supply," said Dr Ventsislav Grozev, president of the union.

The Health Ministry reassures that there will be no bankruptcy. However, former health minister Nikolay Petrov acknowledged this danger a month ago.

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