According to the German Army, the EU can Possibly Crack by 2040

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The German army believes that the emergence of cracks in the EU and an increase in global conflicts are one of six possible scenarios that may come true by 2040, writes Spiegel, quoted by Reuters.

The EU has suffered a severe debt crisis in 2010-2012, and now faces the UK exit of the 28-member club - the first country to choose to leave the bloc. In the scenarios, the German army strategists allow other countries to follow Britain's example, and the world become "more and more troubling."

One of the possible options is: "EU enlargement is largely stopping, and more countries are leaving the bloc." The increasingly turbulent, sometimes chaotic and conflict-affected world dramatically changed the security policy of Germany and Europe.

The magazine notes that the report will be followed by specific armament plans to be prepared in the coming years. Another scenario foresees some East European countries to halt progress in EU integration and others to enter the Eastern Bloc under which Russia and its allies are likely to be considered, Reuters reports. Two other scenarios predict the return of Russian-style "state capitalism" in some EU countries and a halt to globalization. The other two are predicting a more peaceful world.

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