Kuburovic: Difficult day for Serbia

The judgment to Ratko Mladic is a difficult day for Serbia, and many citizens of our country feel hurt, given the previous decisions of the Hague Tribunal.

Justice Minister Nela Kuburovic said this on Wednesday, adding that she would not comment on the verdict itself because it is first-instance and not final.

"Many citizens of Serbia feel hurt, given the decisions of the Hague Tribunal to date, which they consider to have declared the Serb victims less worth than other victims," ​​Kuburovic told reporters.

Nevertheless, she said that Serbia is "not running away from its responsibility - something demonstrated by its judicial authorities who prosecuted and prosecuted and led war crimes trials, regardless of the ethnicity of the accused."

"As a member of the Serbian government and as the minister of justice, I will continue to advocate that all Serbian...

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