Residents of the Metropolitan Area "Vazrazhdane" Protest Against the "Green Zone"

Residents of the metropolitan area "Vazrazhdane" protest against the new "green zone" there. People insist that it should not include the spaces between the resident buildings, where most of them are parking their cars.

They are also dissatisfied because the streets need to be repaired, there are no parking spaces.

"If this space is left out of the area, twice as many cars will be parked here because drivers who do not live here will want to park without paying for that," said Rumyana Milova from the Parking and Mobility Directorate at the Center for urban mobility. According to her, the problem of those living in the area will become even bigger without the ''green zone''.

"The main request of the supporters of the green zone is:" The peasants to go to the village so that we can have a parking lot in Sofia, "one of the protesters said.

Milova also assured that the municipality will start repairing the sidewalks in the neighbourhood.


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