New Turkish overflights in the Aegean

Turkish overflights in the Aegean continued on Thursday with two fighter jets entering Athens's FIR at 8.42 a.m., Skai TV reported.

The F-16 jets flew at just 4,000 feet over the small island of Kastelorizo in the eastern Mediterranean, shortly after Defense Minister Panos Kammenos' visit to a military outpost on the island.

Kammenos said on Wednesday Greece plans to declare an exclusive economic zone around Kastelorizo in the next few months.

"Kastelorizo's EEZ is of particular importance for our country's economy. Within the next months, the declaration of the EEZ will unleash the potential for natural gas extraction for our country, [revealing] large gas fields that will meet the needs of future generations," he said.

Earlier on Wednesday, the chief of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff (GEETHA), Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis, warned...

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