Greek startup facing legal action from Facebook

January was a good month for the team behind Greek startup Face Traveller. At least it was until their troubles with Facebook began. Up until that day, their efforts seemed to have started paying off.
They had been selected at the start of the month as one of 100 companies to benefit from the Athens Startup Business Incubator (THEA) - an initiative of the Athens Chamber of Industry and Commerce - and there was a good deal of interest in their digital travel application and other projects they were working on. Needless to say, they were shocked when they received a phone call on the evening of January 29 from a lawyer representing the social media giant in Greece.
Alexandros Ioakeimidis, one of the founders of Face Traveller, was just about to enter the classroom at the private cramming school where he teaches, when the call came. "It has recently come to our attention...

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