Prudence and moderation

Some readers may be upset by what I'm about to write, but I never believed that our job is to be pleasant. Greece is going through one of the most toxic pre-election periods it has experienced in decades. We are, unfortunately, about to hit the bottom of the proverbial barrel once again.
A lot happened during SYRIZA's period of rule that came at a heavy price. A complete lack of preparation or a rudimentary sense of duty before it came to power were compounded by the criminal acrobatics that resulted in the third memorandum. Greece's institutions were trampled on, and particularly the justice system, among others. Politicians and other public figures were systematically targeted and subjected to an unprecedented level of bullying.
SYRIZA had promised to uproot the old establishment. Instead, it dug down into the worst layers of the old right and the old PASOK to find...

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