Dangerous ignorance

Before we divide ourselves into "traitors" and "patriots" over whether we should resort to the International Court of Justice in The Hague to resolve issues with Turkey and many other matters, it would be a good idea to make sure we know what we are talking about. Ignorance is a dangerous thing, especially when it is found in so-called experts or just plain old know-it-alls.

We have heard and read, for example, that a Turkish research vessel had entered and exited Greek territorial waters. However, the vessel was more than 150 miles south of Kastellorizo. Greek territorial waters stretch to 6 miles. We also heard that the Greek exclusive economic zone had been violated. However, the country's EEZ has not yet been delineated. And finally, we read in an official statement that the Oruc Reis vessel had left the Athens Flight Information Region, as if it were an aircraft.

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