Bucharest Stock Exchange, down almost 10 pct Monday morning

Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) opened Monday's session down, and 10 minutes in, it recorded transactions worth 14.23 million lei (2.9 million euros). The main BET index, indicating the trend of the 15 most liquid companies, registered a decrease of 9.79 pct, to 8,520.67 points, and the BET-Plus index, which shows the trend of the 37 most liquid titles from BVB, was down 9.56 pct. At the same time, the extended blue-chip BET-XT index, of the most liquid 25 securities, lost 10.18 pct of ist value, and the BET-BK return on investment funds depreciated by 9.39 pct. The BET-FI index of the SIFs was down 9.59 pct. BET-NG, the index of the 10 companies in the energy and utilities sector, posted a 12.44 depreciation. According to the BVB data, the largest increases in the value of shares were recorded by Electroputere (+ 4.55 pct), Rompetrol Rafinare (+ 3.7 pct) and MedLife (+ 3.62 pct). On the other hand, there was a decrease in the shares of Carbochim (-10.81 pct), Prebet (-6.98 pct) and Comelf (-6.91pct).AGERPRES(RO - author: George Banciulea, editor: Andreea Marinescu; EN - author: Simona Iacob, editor: Maria Voican)

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