Chaos in Frankfurt - several people injured VIDEO / PHOTO

According to the Associated Press, several people were attacked with a knife by a man, who was arrested.
Local police stated on Twitter that none of the injured suffered life-threatening injuries.
Police did not release details about the attacker, nor did they specify how many people were injured.
Local television Hessenschau reported that the attack took place near the main railway station in the city and that all the injured were transported to nearby hospitals.
Just to reiterate, this is not the first time that riots have taken place in Frankfurt lately. Namely, in that city on January 16, due to the alleged threat of firearms, the police ordered the evacuation of all those present at the airport.

#Frankfurt #Bahnhofsviertel
Es wurde eine Person gemeldet, die mutmalich mehrere andere Personen verletzt haben soll; sie wurde sehr zeitnah festgenommen.
Die genauen Tatumstnde sind aktuell Gegenstand der Ermittlungen.
Es besteht keine Gefahr mehr.
Weitere Infos folgen.

— Polizei Frankfurt (@Polizei_Ffm) January 26, 2021

🇩🇪 [FLASH] Un homme a attaqu et bless plusieurs passants au #couteau dans la gare de #Francfort ce matin vers 9h00. Il a t arrêt. La #police n'a pas pu affirmer si les victimes connaissaient l'assaillant. Une enquête est en cours. (Hessenschau) #Allemagne #Frankfurt

— La Plume Libre (@LPLdirect) January 26, 2021

#ltimoMinuto Reporta polica de #Frankfurt #Alemania (@Polizei_Ffm) ataque a varias personas con arma blanca.
Hay un detenido.

— xevt - xhvt (@xevtfm) January 26, 2021

Messerstecherei in #Frankfurt am Dienstagmorgen: Mehrere...

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