Sunny Weather and Moderate Wind Today in Bulgaria

It will be sunny today. From the east, the wind will be light to moderate in the eastern regions. The daily temperatures will rise a little more and the maximum will be between 30° and 35° Celsius.

The atmospheric pressure is a little higher than the average for the month - it will decrease slightly.

It will be sunny over the Black Sea coast. A light to moderate wind will blow from the east-northeast. Maximum air temperatures: 27° -29°. The temperature of the seawater is 26 °. The sea wave will be 2-3 points.

It will be sunny over the mountains in the afternoon with cloudy weather, but precipitation is unlikely. A light to moderate southeast wind will blow in the mountains. Northwest wind will blow along the highest parts of Rila and Pirin. Maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 meters about 24°.

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