Small graduation - day two: Today a test in mathematics

The second day of taking the final exam (small graduation) in 522 schools across Serbia is expected to start at 9:00 a.m.
Eighth-graders took a test in Serbian (mother tongue) yesterday, and according to the data of the Ministry of Education, 63.408 students took that test, which is 99.5 percent of the total number of applicants.
As every year, the questions were prepared by the Institute for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education and Upbringing, and the tests were printed in Serbian and the languages ​​of eight national minorities.
This year, the tests are being reviewed in 15 scanning centers in Serbia, which enables higher quality and speed of scanning and a smaller number of examiners. Double review of each task has been introduced, which excludes any possibility of bias, because teachers do not know whose tests they are reviewing.
This year as well, all activities related to the completion of primary school, as well as enrollment in secondary school, will be done by logging in to the portal For those who do not take advantage of the online option, the wish list can be submitted in paper form.
Preliminary results of the final exam will be available on the portal My High School on July 1, while the final results will be published on July 5.
The wish list will also be able to be submitted through the mentioned portal, until July 6, with the possibility of unlimited changes and additions.
For those who do not take advantage of the electronic submission of the wish list, the list can be submitted in paper form in schools on July 6 and 7.
Enrollment is scheduled to take place from July 14 to 20.

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