The day after the elections

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis listens to main opposition leader Alexis Tsipras during a debate in Parliament in July 2022. [InTime News]

Whatever the outcome of the Greek general elections in May, the next day will be difficult - primarily for the economy and despite the current euphoria. As the governor of the Bank of Greece, Yannis Stournaras, said in a television interview on April 10, "the next government will face a more difficult macroeconomic environment than the previous one."

Unfortunately for the Greek public debate, the political point of view is defined by and limited to two Sundays: May 21 and another in July, when the second round of voting is expected to be held. There is no Monday, no consideration for what happens next. However, the wheels of history continue to turn, so slowly that it goes unnoticed.

We are not only referring to the turbulent international economic situation, which for an over-indebted country like Greece can hide unpleasant surprises, like the one experienced by the...

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