Pepsico to produce in Greece 60% of soft drinks locally consumed

Some 60% of PepsiCo's soft drinks for the domestic market will be produced in Greece from the end of the year, after the company decided to return even more of its production after 2016, when it decided to close the soft drink factory at Oinofyta, north of Athens.

From December, the production of Pepsico soft drinks in PET packaging will begin at the NuAqua factory in Loutraki - this is the historic water bottling plant that PepsiCo Hellas sold to NuAqua in 2021 - while in the next phase the production of soft drinks will also begin in a glass bottle.

The first step toward the return of the production of PepsiCo's soft drinks in Greece was made last year, when EPSA took over the production of canned soft drinks of the multinational, except for Pepsi Cola and 7UP.

"The market conditions when we made the decision to close the factory at Oinofyta and move...

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