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Namely, the video was made by Hamas and it shows two old women sitting while next to them are members of Hamas, armed to the teeth, with their faces completely masked.
Hamas fighters talk to them calmly, most likely assuring them that everything will be fine. They gave them something to eat and drink, talking to them along the way, as if they were sitting at a tea party.
The video then shows how Hamas fighters are helping them reach the people who will take them over, and one of the rescuers is wearing a red cross.
A moment before she is finally released, one of them stops and offers her hand to a Hamas fighter. Her daughter later told BBC reporters that at that moment her mother said, "Thank you."

🇵🇸🇮🇱 Video of Hamas handing over the 2 Israeli hostages

— Censored Men (@CensoredMen) October 23, 2023

Tanjug/Hostages and Missing Families Forum via AP

The exact number of hostages held by Hamas is still unknown, as well the condition they are in. Judging by the numerous videos posted on social networks, the "capture" of many of them was very brutal.
It is not known in what condition they are, nor where they are in the very densely populated Gaza, riddled with hidden tunnels. Israel, which has been constantly bombing the Gaza Strip since Hamas attacked its territory, refuses to stop shelling until all the hostages are released, while Hamas refuses to release those same hostages until Israel stops targeting Gaza.
It is estimated that the Israeli Defense Forces have not yet launched a ground offensive on that strip, although they announced it, precisely because the fate of over 200 hostages hangs in the balance, and they were allegedly advised by the highest U.S. officials to...

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