A modern retelling of Oedipus and a retrospective

Marisha Triantafyllidou and Argyris Xafis star in "Music," an award-winning film by Angela Schanelec, whose work is the subject of a retrospective at the Greek Film Archive, on December 7-12. "Music" is loosely based on the ancient Greek myth of Oedipus and was shot almost entirely in the Peloponnese, with a Greek crew and cast members. "When I came up with the idea, I immediately knew that we needed to shoot in Greece," the German filmmaker tells Kathimerini ahead of her arrival for the event. "The story of Oedipus, like the others told in the ancient tragedies, are pertinent today, of course. We would have forgotten them if they weren't. They are a part of who we are, our history. Even when we're not doing so consciously, we are often inspired by these stories to create new ones." [Faktura Film]

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