Dacic: Our duty is to protect our holy sites, most of them are in Kosovo-Metohija

RASKA - Our duty is to protect Serbian holy sites, and the majority of them are in Kosovo-Metohija, Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) leader Ivica Dacic said on Thursday during a visit to Raska, southwestern Serbia, ahead of the December 17 elections.

He said he was honoured to be in Raska, the centre of Serbia's medieval statehood and a religious and cultural epicentre of the Serbs, the SPS said in a statement.

"The SPS policy is based on the idea of socialism and patriotism. Socialism is not associated with a one-party system, but with the possibility for all citizens to work and live a nice life off their work. That is the idea of social justice, where there used to be three or four employed people for every pensioner," Dacic said.

He said he remained an advocate of factories that were working and full of workers, free education and free health care, active...

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