Failure becoming the norm in Greek education

The performance of private school students in the PISA exams outshined that of their public school counterparts.

The underwhelming performance of Greek students in the latest PISA (the acronym stands for Program for International Student Assessment) competition organized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development likely did not come as a surprise. 

The recurring acknowledgment that our country consistently ranks below average among OECD country scores in all three assessed sections of the competition is increasingly being accepted as the norm.

However, the analysis of the competition's results, as presented by journalist Apostolos Lakasas in Kathimerini on Tuesday, brings to light the underlying causes of this persistent failure and prompts reflection. 

Firstly, the disheartening reality is that students approach the competition with relative indifference and apathy, impacting their overall performance. They seem oblivious to the fact that, as a social...

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