Greek-German shipping collaboration

'There are conflicts in Africa that stem from the devastating consequences of the climate crisis, like protracted droughts and shortages of water. So Africa is the big challenge for Europe - and not only,' says Christos Stylianides. [Nikos Kokkalias]

Greek Minister of Maritime Affairs and Island Policy Christos Stylianides and German Minister of Digital Governance and Transport Volker Wissing decided to strengthen the partnership between Greece and Germany in shipping, during their meeting in Berlin on Thursday.

The meeting affirmed the existing collaboration at both bilateral and multilateral levels, including within the European Union and International Maritime Organization frameworks.

The primary objective of this collaboration is to bolster the competitiveness of the EU, implement ambitious yet practical measures on a global scale, and undertake initiatives and policies to advance sustainable growth in the shipping sector and promote environmentally friendly maritime practices.

To enhance this cooperation, it was decided to establish a working group. Additionally, the Greek minister held discussions...

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