PM hints at rental day cap for Airbnb properties


Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has indicated potential measures to tighten regulations on short-term rentals, including considering a cap on rental days.

"We have already enforced restrictions and requirements for those using Airbnb for commercial purposes. Additionally, we will discuss the appropriate duration for short-term rental of properties," Mitsotakis said during an interview with Action24 channel on Wednesday.

The explosive growth of Airbnb rentals has reduced the availability of homes for stable long-term leases, exacerbating rental and property price hikes. On Sunday, the government announced plans to consider tax incentives favoring long-term rentals and stricter penalties for non-compliance. These changes are slated for implementation in the fall. Data collected this summer tourist season will assess the impact of the January 1 regulations, which have...

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