Athens ready to alert EU over Prespa Agreement violation

Despite the slight shift in the public discourse of North Macedonia's prime minister-in-waiting, Hristijan Mickoski, experienced diplomats view the "stealth war" strategy followed by the new leadership of the neighboring country as a violation of the "ergo omnes" term of the Prespa Agreement - that is, the use of the country's constitutional name both internally and externally. 

Athens is closely following developments and is prepared to alert Brussels to any move that violates the agreement.

For its part, the West has already begun to urge North Macedonia's new leadership to abide by the fundamental commitments inherent in all international agreements, such as the Prespa one. 

According to well-informed sources, Mickoski, who is the president VMRO-DPMNE, does not feel his government will be pressed by time and believes that as long as he implements the Prespa...

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