Vucic: Good discussions with EU officials, signal to investors important

BRUSSELS - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday in Brussels he had had good discussions with EU officials and that the signal that was being sent to investors was even more important for Serbia than the funds to be obtained through the EU Growth Agenda.

"I believe there is such space in the Growth Agenda and the economic reforms we are carrying out, and, of course, the ones that they call fundamental rule of law reforms must come after that," Vucic told reporters.

This is not only about getting 120 mln euros, because that is not the kind of money that will make major changes in Serbia, he said.

"Much more importantly, it is an invitation to investors to come to the country, which is an indicator that Serbia is a safe country. We can count on being close to getting the so-called investment-grade rating, which would be a first for Serbia and...

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