Biden vs. Trump: A Historic Debate on Key Issues

In a historic debate held in Atlanta, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump faced off on various pressing issues. This debate was unique for several reasons: it took place earlier than any previous debate, featured two candidates not yet officially nominated by their parties, and was the first debate between a current and former president. The event, moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bass of CNN, began at 9:00 PM on Thursday (4:00 AM Friday local time in Greece) and concluded shortly before 6:00 AM Greek time, with no audience present.


  • Joe Biden: Biden asserted that the economy is booming, though he acknowledged that more work needs to be done. He blamed the Trump administration for leaving him with a “scorched earth” economy, particularly due to the pandemic’s impact.
  • Donald Trump: Trump painted a different picture, claiming the economy is collapsing under Biden. He emphasized that the economy was thriving before the pandemic and criticized Biden for high inflation rates, despite inflation slowing from a peak of 9.1% in June 2022 to 3.3% in May.

Both candidates accused each other of contributing to the nation’s debt. Biden criticized Trump’s tax cuts for benefiting the wealthy, while Trump blamed Biden for allowing immigrants to strain the national health care system.

Abortion Rights

  • Donald Trump: Trump stated he would not block abortion drugs if elected and supported the Supreme Court’s recent decision on the abortion pill. He highlighted that his appointed justices returned power to the states regarding abortion laws.
  • Joe Biden: Biden condemned the idea of leaving abortion rights to state discretion, describing it as “a terrible thing.” He emphasized his commitment to protecting women’s rights, especially in cases of rape.

In a heated exchange, Trump claimed that immigrants brought in by Biden are committing crimes against American women, while Biden accused Trump of separating immigrant children from their parents.

Russia’s War in Ukraine

  • Donald Trump: Trump argued that Putin respects a strong president and would not have invaded Ukraine under his leadership. He criticized Ukrainian President Zelensky, labeling him a “sellout” for taking substantial military aid from the US.
  • Joe Biden: Biden rebuffed Trump’s claims, asserting that Putin aims to rebuild the Soviet empire and needs to be contained. He clarified that the US is providing weapons, not money, to Ukraine.

War in Gaza

When asked about the conflict between Israel and Hamas, Trump called Biden “a weak Palestinian,” while Biden defended his policy towards Israel, emphasizing the strategic support provided.

This debate showcased the stark contrasts between Biden’s and Trump’s views on the economy, social issues, and foreign policy, highlighting their differing visions for the future of the United States.

Election Result

When asked if he would accept the election result, Donald Trump stated, “If the election is fair, I will accept the result.” President Joe Biden expressed doubt, suggesting that Trump would not accept the 2024 election results if he loses, calling him a “whiner.” Biden added, “You can’t afford to lose. Something broke inside you when you lost the last time.”

Biden defended the US’s role as a military power, accusing Trump of encouraging Putin to “do whatever you want with Ukraine.” Trump responded firmly, stating, “Putin will never take anything from me. With Biden, Putin will take Ukraine.” Trump reiterated his stance on accepting the election result, emphasizing, “If the election is fair, I will accept the result. As long as it’s not a scam.”

Closing Remarks

In his closing remarks, President Joe Biden pledged to promote child care, clean up lead pipes, and reduce inflation if re-elected. “We need to make sure we have a fairer tax system,” Biden said, promising to continue efforts to lower inflation and ease financial burdens on Americans.

Trump criticized the US’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, blamed the US for the Hamas attack, and argued that Iran would not have the capacity to support Hamas financially. He claimed that foreign leaders do not respect Biden and that the situation in Ukraine would not have occurred under his presidency. Trump also blamed immigrants for the country’s problems and vowed to “Make America Great Again.”

The post Biden vs. Trump: A Historic Debate on Key Issues appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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