North Macedonia risks EU future by disregarding Prespa deal, says Mitsotakis

[InTime News]

North Macedonia is risking its future in the European Union by disregarding the Prespa Agreement on its constitutional name, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has said.

Speaking in Brussels after the conclusion of a meeting of EU heads of government, Mitsotakis said that he "made it absolutely clear that if Skopje insists on this line, it will essentially make extremely difficult - if not actually cancel - any process towards the immediate convergence with the European family."

"As there was an item on the issues of enlargement, I took the initiative and informed my colleagues in the European Council about what is happening in North Macedonia, about the fact that both the president and the acting prime minister are actually in direct violation of the Prespa Agreement, misrepresenting in practice erga omnes by choosing to use another name, beyond the constitutionally...

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