SYRIZA on the brink of civil war

[InTime News]

SYRIZA, the main opposition party, has entered a fresh internal war as the circle of officials who question or criticize the decisions and action of its leader Stefanos Kasselakis' is expanding and getting louder. 

The growing discontent was manifested on Thursday by 87 prominent party members, who co-signed a text that, among other things, not only criticizes the party president, but also reiterates the issue of cooperation in the center-left, essentially calling for an appeal to the base through an internal party referendum in order to give a way out to "the members and friends of the party."

Among these executives are seven of the 36 members of the parliamentary group, former ministers of governments of Kasselakis' predecessor Alexis Tsipras, as well as officials who were close to the former prime minister.

Indicatively, these officials include Olga...

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